About Me

ang in joe apartment


I’m Angela. Welcome to my blog!

I write this blog because it’s confusing being a twenty-something. I am a child one day and an adult the next. I feel ecstatic one moment and within an hour I’m contemplating my place in the world. I don’t know if other decades have these moments of fleeting psychoses, but I do know this: I am 27. I am a writer. Yes, that’s it. That’s what I’ve discovered over the past two and a half decades.

I hope you enjoy your stay. Please feel free to comment NICE things because I’m still working on that thick skin…

10 thoughts on “About Me

  1. I love finding new twenty-something’s blogs so I can follow their similar yet different journey. It’s such a crazy time but your line, ‘I am a child one day and an adult the next.’ is exactly the reasoning behind my blog name. Anyways, I look forward to reading more from you, I actually wrote a post ‘we are grown ups’ you may be able to really relate, if you’re interested. http://youngandtwenty.com/2014/05/02/we-are-grown-ups/

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  3. “I am a child one day and an adult the next” – tell me about it. I’m almost 17 and my parents believe I am still a baby. I know I’m not an adult yet, but I know I’m not a child anymore. ๐Ÿ™‚

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